Former Ashanti Regional Minister Hon. Peter Anarfi hands over to Hon. John Alexander Ackon at Co-ordinating Council ceremony

On the 1st of March 2016, a momentous handing over ceremony was held at the conference room of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council to mark the official transition from the former Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon. Peter Anarfi, to his predecessor, Hon. John Alexander Ackon.

The event was graced by various dignitaries, including government officials, traditional leaders, and heads of various agencies in the Ashanti Region.

In his address, Hon. Peter Anarfi expressed gratitude to his colleagues and staff for their support and cooperation during his tenure. He highlighted some of the notable achievements of his administration, which included improving healthcare delivery, upgrading education facilities, and enhancing the region’s infrastructure. He also wished his successor well and urged him to build on the progress achieved during his tenure.

Hon. John Alexander Ackon, in his response, expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome and pledged to continue with the good work of his predecessor. He outlined his vision for the Ashanti Region, which included fostering peace and security, promoting economic growth, and creating employment opportunities for the youth.

The Regional Co-ordinating Director, Mr. Kofi Dwomoh Asubonteng, commended Hon. Peter Anarfi for his exemplary leadership and outstanding contributions to the development of the region. He assured Hon. John Alexander Ackon of the region’s full support and pledged the commitment of the staff to work diligently with him to achieve his objectives.

The handover ceremony ended with the formal presentation of official documents, including handover notes and other relevant reports, to Hon. John Alexander Ackon by Hon. Peter Anarfi. The event marked the beginning of a new era in the Ashanti Region, and everyone present was filled with hope for a brighter future under the new leadership.

Posted in Handing Over, News.

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